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School Hours:


The school day begins at 7:55 a.m. and ends at 2:05 p.m. each day except for Wednesday, when school ends at 1:00 p.m. Students who arrive after 7:55 a.m. are tardy. Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. must report to the office for a tardy slip. Parents are urged to get their children to school on time. It is inexcusable for students to be habitually tardy to school. Tardies will be recorded and followed up on with parents.




Parents should notify the school via the Attendance Hotline (808-307-7000, press 1 when prompted) if their child will be absent from school. Furthermore, upon returning to school, the student should bring to class a note signed by their parent/guardian. As much as we want all our children in school daily, please do not send your child to school if he or she is ill.


Early Release Procedure:


Early dismissal is not recommended. However, if it is absolutely necessary, please send a note with your child on the day of early dismissal. The information will be forwarded to the office for processing. If you need to pick up your child and did not send a note in the morning, please call the office as soon as possible. Please note: It does take some time to locate your child, notify the teacher, and prepare him/her for dismissal. When picking up your child, report to the office with your picture ID to pick up your child's official student pass. Attendance procedures require that students be marked absent if not on campus or on a school authorized activity for half a school day (11:00 a.m on Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri., and 10:30 a.m. on Wed).

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