Parents and friends are our most valuable resource for our needs. Please help the Teachers and Staff of Kalei’opu’u with their wishlist by donating an item or more from the following list:
Avery 4 x 2 Labels
Brown Paper Bags (Large & Plain, Commissary Type)
Cardstock (Colored)
Chapter Books (Grades 5 and up)
Copy Paper (Colored)
D Ring Binders, 3"
Display Boards (tri-fold)
Games (Checkers, Clue, Connect Four, Battleship, etc. )
Pennants from different Colleges and Universities
Potting Soil
Tri Beads (Green, Red & White)
View Binder 1-1/2", New
If you can help, please turn the item(s) in to the Parent-Community Networking Center (PCNC) in the Library, Administration Office or to your child’s teacher. Don’t forget to include your child’s name and room number so that we may thank them!